5th International Conference on Fluid Flow and Thermal Science (ICFFTS 2024)

November 21, 2024 - November 23, 2024 | Lisbon, Portugal

The 5th International Conference on Fluid Flow and Thermal Science will be delivered in-person in Lisbon, Portugal and virtually, providing the opportunity of online presentation for the people who can not travel for any reason. Attendees will be able to connect with researchers from across the globe and network in-person or virtually. The registration fee for virtual participation is reduced.

The 5th International Conference on Fluid Flow and Thermal Science aims to become the leading conference in fields related to fluid flow and heat transfer. The goal of this fluid flow and heat transfer conference 2024 is to provide an online space for scholars from all over the world to present advances in the relevant fields and to foster an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and information.

ICFFTS 2024 is an acronym for International Conference on Fluid Flow and Thermal and Science.

Topics themes for ICFFTS 2024 include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Biofuels
  • Boiling and condensation
  • CFD
  • Combustion
  • Drying
  • Energy optimization
  • Experimental fluid dynamics
  • Flow, heat and mass transfer devices
  • Fuel cells
  • Gas liquid operations
  • Heat transfer augmentation applications
  • Heat transfer enhancement active methods
  • HVAC
  • Laminar and turbulent flows
  • Leaching
  • Mass transfer coefficient
  • Molecular diffusion
  • Nanofluid
  • Non-Newtonian flow
  • Polymer processing
  • Renewable and non-renewable energies
  • Rheology
  • Separation processes


Final Extended Paper Submission Deadlines


Final Extended Notification to Authors


Final Extended Early-Bird Registration

Author Guidelines

Submissions in the form of extended abstracts, short papers, and full manuscripts are welcome.

  • All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed
  • The conference proceedings will be published under an ISSN and ISBN number
  • The conference proceedings will be indexed by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar
  • Each paper will be assigned a unique DOI number by Crossref
  • The proceedings will be permanently archived in Portico (one of the largest community-supported digital archives in the world).
  • selected papers from the conference will be submitted for possible publication in the Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (JFFHMT). Articles published in JFFHMT will now be indexed in Scopus. (publication fees may apply)



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Google Scholar
Semantic Scholar

Conference Chairs

Dr. Sohel Murshed
Dr. Sohel Murshed

University of Lisbon, Portugal
Conference Chair

View Profile

Dr. Wael H. Ahmed
Dr. Wael H. Ahmed

University of Guelph, Canada
Conference Chair

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Dr. Boguslaw Kruczek
Dr. Boguslaw Kruczek

University of Ottawa, Canada
Conference Chair

View Profile

Plenary Speakers

Dr. Majid Bahrami
Dr. Majid Bahrami

Simon Fraser University, Canada
Plenary Speaker

Biography & Abstract

Dr. Gretar Tryggvason
Dr. Gretar Tryggvason

Johns Hopkins University, USA
Plenary Speaker

Biography & Abstract

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Thomas Adams
Dr. Thomas Adams

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA
Keynote Speaker

View Profile

Dr. Guillermo Paniagua
Dr. Guillermo Paniagua

Purdue University, USA
Keynote Speaker

View Profile

Avestia Publishing
International Aset
University of Ottawa

Registration fee includes the following:

  • Publication of 1 accepted paper in the proceedings. Publication of each additional paper requires a 250 Euro registration
  • Buffet lunch for each day of the conference
  • 2 coffee breaks for each day of the conference
  • 1 banquet dinner OR cruise tour

Important information for accompanying person(s): Please be informed that the accompanying person can NOT be a co-author.
Co-authors, regardless if 1 author is attending, must pay the full registration fee.
The accompany person fee is only for spouses and/or children. Please contact us if you are unsure.

Virtual registration fee includes the following:

  • Publication of 1 accepted paper in the proceedings. Publication of each additional paper requires a 150 Euro registration
  • Access to all the sessions of the conference